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Gepubliceerde wetenschappelijke artikelen

Onderzoeken die door het Nationaal Fonds tegen Kanker zijn mogelijk gemaakt.

Onderzoeken naar ATP bij palliatieve patiënten en Betulinezuur als potent antikankermiddel

Beijer S., Hupperets P.S., van den Borne B.E., Eussen S.R., van Henten A.M., van den Beuken-van Everdingen M., de Graeff A., Ambergen T., van den Brandt P.A., Dagnelie P.C.

Effect of ATP Infusions on the nutritional status and survival of preterminal cancer patients: a randomised clinical trial. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2009.

Mullauer F.B., Kessler J.H., Medema J.P.

PLoS One. 2009;4(4):e1. Epub 2009 Apr 28. Betulin is a potent anti-tumor agent that is enhanced by cholesterol. PMID: 19399186 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC ArticleFree text Related citations.

Mullauer F.B., KesslerJ.H., Medema J.P.

(2009) Betulinic acid ainduces cytochrome c release and apoptosis in a Bax/Bak-independent, permeability transition pore dependent fashion. Apoptosis 14(2):191-202. PMID: 19115109 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Onderzoek naar effect ATP op ontstekingsmarkers

Swennen E.L.R., Coolen J.C.M., Arts I.C.W., Bast A. and Dagnelie P.C.

Time-dependent effects of ATP and its degradation products on inflammatory markers in human blood ex vivo. Immunobiology 2008; 213: 389-397.


Swennen E.L.R., Dagnelie P.C., van den Beucken T. and Bast A.

Radioprotective effects of ATP in human blood ex vivo. Biochemical and biophysical Research Communications 2008; 367: 383-387.

Onderzoek naar ATP in de thuiszorg

Sandra Beijer, Erik van Rossum, Pierre S. Hupperets, Cor Spreeuwenberg, Marieke van den Beuken, Ron A. Winkens, Lisette Ars, Ben E. van den Borne, Alexander de Graeff and Pieter C. Dagnelie

BMC Public Health 2007, 7:4 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-7-4 Study protocol Open Access Application of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) infusions in palliative home care: design of a randomized clinical trial.

ATP remt ontsteking, bewegen bij kinderleukemie, Betuline effectiviteit op cellen

Swennen, E.L.R., Bast, A, Dagnelie P.C.

ATP inhibits the inflammatory response in stimulated whole blood, even under conditions of severe oxidative stress. Free Radical Research, January 2006; 40 (1) 53-58.

J.H. Kessler et al.

Broad in vitro efficacy of plant-derived Betulinic acid against cell lines derived from the most prevalent human cancer types, Cancer Letters (2006), doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2006.11.003.

M van Brussel et al.

Physical function and fitness in long-term survivors of childhood leukaemia, Pediatric Rehabilitation, Month July 2006; 9(3): 267-174.

Beijer, S., Dagnelie, P.C., Wijckmans, N.E.G., Applcation of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) infusions in palliative home care: a multicentre randomized clinical trial.

Dagnelie, P.C., Brouwer, T.

ATP reduces lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and triacylglycerol levels in lung cancer patients – a potential explanation of ATP’s favourable clinical effects? Gepresenteerd tijdens: 8th International Symposium on Adenosine and Adenine Nucleotides. May 24-28, 2006 Università degli Studi di Ferrara- Italy.

Kessler, J.H. et al.

Broad in vitro efficacy of plant-derived Betulinic acid against cell lines derived from the most prevalent human cancer types, Cancer Letters (2006), doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2006.11.003.

Brussel, M. van, et al.

Physical function and fitness in long-term survivors of childhood leukaemia, Pediatric Rehabilitation, Month July 2006; 9(3): 267-174.

Bewegen bij kinderen die leukemie overleefden

Brussel M. van, Takken, T., et al.

Is physical fitness decreased in survivors of childhood leukemia? A systematic review, Leukemia (2005) 19, 13-17.

Genetische voorspellingen voor darmkanker

Wijnands, M.V.W., et al.

Do aberrant crypt foci have predictive value for the occurrence of colorectal tumours? Potential of gene expression profiling in tumours, Food and technical toxicology 42 (2004) 1629-1639.